Topographic Survey  TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OFFICE   Pallars Topographic Survey

 Joan Griñó Colom, Enginyer Tècnic Agrícola, Pça Sta Anna 1, 3r 3a Sort 25560, T.973 620 557 / 636 060 931

- Survey topographic scale

- Technical assistance in   building   works.

- Measurements and volum   calculations

- Monitoring and geométric   control in building works.

- Polygonal precisions.

- Preparation and processing of digital   terrain models.

- Quarries and volum calculations.

- Terrain level curves.

- Photogrammetric support.

- Referencing UTM presición.

Latest generation Equipment :

- Court Reports.

- Assessments, estates valuations, damaged crops evaluations, ...

Farm building projects.

- Marking out, reparcelling and state segregation.

- Estate history investigations.
- Marking out municipal terms.
- Cadastre.

Pça. Sta. Anna 1. 3r 3a
Sort 25560
Tel. 973 62 05 57
Móbil: 63 60 60 931
